Currency Conversion - Foreign exchange rates

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1 United States Dollar


0.8951 Euro

Today's exchange rates for Arab and Gulf currencies against foreign currencies

Learn about currency exchange rates International currencies such as the euro, the dollar, the yen, the franc and the British pound using the currency converter tool Or convert currencies, and you can also learn about the prices of Arab and Gulf currencies such as the Saudi riyal, Bahraini dinar, Kuwaiti dinar, Egyptian pound, and others.”

United States Dollar
Japanese Yen
British Pound Sterling
Saudi Riyal
SAR 3.7514
SAR 4.1911
SAR 0.0263
SAR 5.0265
Egyptian Pound
EGP 48.415
EGP 54.0887
EGP 0.3401
EGP 64.8707
Kuwaiti Dinar
KWD 0.305
KWD 0.3408
KWD 0.0021
KWD 0.4087
Bahraini Dinar
BHD 0.3769
BHD 0.4211
BHD 0.0026
BHD 0.505
UAE Dirham
AED 3.673
AED 4.1035
AED 0.0258
AED 4.9214
Qatari Rial
QAR 3.6437
QAR 4.0707
QAR 0.0256
QAR 4.8821
Omani Rial
OMR 0.3849
OMR 0.43
OMR 0.0027
OMR 0.5157
Jordanian Dinar
JOD 0.7086
JOD 0.7916
JOD 0.005
JOD 0.9494
Moroccan Dirham
MAD 9.6937
MAD 10.8297
MAD 0.0681
MAD 12.9884
Tunisian Dinar
TND 3.0213
TND 3.3753
TND 0.0212
TND 4.0482
Algerian Dinar
DZD 132.2467
DZD 147.7447
DZD 0.9289
DZD 177.1958
Lebanese Pound
LBP 89487.5663
LBP 99974.6021
LBP 628.5523
LBP 119903.3221

Latest update time 08:00am date 30 September 2024 According to bank rates

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